The Guestbook: ViewSign

Chrissy leans over to tell Ryan something on a weekend she's home from WMU.

Chrissy and Ryan play with his Coullou dolls.

Ryan smiles with his father behind him.

Debbie didn't want me to take pics of her, but I had Ryan convince her it would be fun.

Ryan asks me questions about the camera I am taking photos with.

Ryan unleashes his latest code: The Dirty Diaper Virus.

A computer is best experienced with mustard on your face.

Ryan loves his cars. Actually, I think those are mine, his cars are at his house.
I tried to find as many cars that still had 4 wheels left on them for him to play with. The 80s were not kind to my Hot Wheels.

John Lennon.. err. I mean Ryan Unplugged.
I think this is the exact moment he figured out that when you touch the strings with your other hand it actually does something besides play an open string.

Its hard to tell in this photo, but he's playing Layla.

"I spend 5 hours a day on this car."

"Hi, is Elmo there? Yeah, whats up man? I'm ready for school, are you?"
I took this photo from the ground. Notice how tall it makes him look? I learned that one from Citizen Kane.

It IS as fun as it looks.

Life is best expereinced from the floor.


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The Guestbook: ViewSign

Last Updated Sunday March 7, 2004 18:32

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