CREW NEEDED: [live-action/animation]

Such tasks may include, but are not limited to:
Makeup, Wardrobe, Set Construction, Lighting Crew and Production Assistants.

For consideration
1) E-mail contact and let me know you are interested in being involved.
2) Fill out a profile here. [Optional: This is a database of available talent and crew for production based in Detroit (but lists elsewhere, too.]




ARTISTS NEEDED: [animation]
Donovan's Travels

A band of dogs. A city of cats. A stampede of poodles. An evil scientist.
An animated adventure of canine proportions.

[Schedule] [Give us your voice] [Web Production] [Contact]

We are also looking for volunteer artistic talent. If you've always wanted to be involved in something fun and haven't had the chance to do something you really enjoyed doing, we need plenty of help bringing Donovan to life. If you're good with Flash, we'd love to have you aboard. If you don't know Flash and you're looking to learn, here is the ultimate tool for your self education. There are always things you can do to help us produce fun web animations. From tracing or redrawing existing artwork in Flash, simply recoloring existing artwork, or even if you'd like to animate by hand on paper... put aside some time and help us out.

Most of our characters are strange in one way or another, and looking at you makes me stop wondering why.

For consideration
1) E-mail contact and let me know you are interested in being involved.
2) Fill out a profile here.
[Optional: This is a database of available talent and crew for production based in Detroit (but lists elsewhere, too.]

Registering with vedbok's database will help Detroit filmmakers get in touch with area production crew. Vedbok are great people, despite what you may have heard me say elsewhere.

You can download the script here, but you'll need to get a password from me to unlock the encryption

Unfortunately, won't let me edit my entry so its not very obvious that this is an all volunteer effort. The only payment I can give you is the satisfaction of being a part of something fun and entertaining.
Sorry for the misunderstanding. If you'd still like to help us out, we would love to have you on board. We have only 3 artists as of right now and two of those like to work on paper over Flash. So basically, it would take too long to re-trace everything they do by myself.
Our first episode will be in all black and white, to speed things up a bit. We are just about to record the audio. Production deadlines are bi-weekly until the end of tthe first story arc (about 48 pages of a script.)

A little about me, I graduated from Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, MI in 1999. Got my bachelor of science is in Film/Video with an emphasis on animation. The kicker is that I'm not a very good artist, and 85% of my projects were done as claymation. I am good at editing existing artwork, so I've been having friends originate the art and then I bring it into the computer where my real talents lie.
I currently work at Univesal Images in Southfield as an assistant editor. I import artwork for editors to use in various computers, dub tapes of commercials for clients and work in the tape library.
The style for Donovan will be all cartoony, and as I said, the first episode will be black and white because I am anxious to push something out and I don't care if there is no color the first time around. I'm really excited to see this happen and I hope you can help along the way.


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